What does robotic process automation entail and what difference is there between this one and traditional automation?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the simulation of a user´s interaction witn an information system. It is used for the automation of repetitive tasks, usually of low added value. As far as this, this definition could apply to both traditional and robotic automation. The difference between them is that while traditional automation replaces a process from start to end withoout the intervention of other agents, robotic automation is capable of taking into account the context and deciosion making. This capability for” decisión making” is achieved by incorporating two key elements:
- An orchestrator (a preparer) that allows controlling the entire process, inserting and/or alternating automations with the user´s interactions, with other RPA and even with other sstems, dependingo on different decisión making
- Artificial intelligence to increase the interpretation capabilities, understanding and learning of the environment in which the RPA operates.
How is this innovation being implemented in Spain?
Robotic process automation is being implemented, mainly for the time being, in simple processes such as filling in forms taking oout information from one system and inseeerting it into another, Reading emails, interpreting them, collecting additional information and answering them, converting unstructured information into structured information, elaboration of reports incorporating sources of information of different nature.
Many companies are verifying the efficiency that can bring into their processes and are evaluating very positively its potential. Automation with RPA has a clear impact on productivity, quality, process quickness, cost reduction, better information management. There are Many Benefit, so it will, undoubtedly, be a very widespread technology in no time.
What are the challenges for companies that want to incorpoate RPA?
The main challenge in RPA is similar to the one we fase when introducingany new technology into an organization: we must have a clear visión, strategy and appoach. Once we are clear about where to go, we will fase automation challenges more specific, such as the fragmentation of processes, the diversity of tasks involved in them or the lack o homogeneity. It is worth to emphasaze as well from ppeople´s point of view, that it will be necessary to pay special attention to their training, as well as promoting a culture of learning and innovating in the organization.
What advantages can suppose to a company in the process of internationalizating investing in RPA?
The investment in RPA, apart from the fact that gives the company a reduction of costs and the increase of productivity, in the case of global organizations could give them great advantages derived from the homogenization of processes, quickness and the facility of implementation of any new task or modification of existing processes, minimization of errors and quality improvement
The facility of implementing the automation for these processes and tasks provided by RPA allows for an agile and secure implant of the process in a homogeneous way in all the organization. Furthermore, these processes can be automatically auted and modified for improvement fast and safely. Automated processes also facilitate the organization´s scalability and flexibility, endowing it with capacities for the growth and adaptation to the enviroment, absolutely necessary capacities in the environment of volatility and uncertainty in which we find orselves today
This homogenization in the processes also facilitates that the quality of the service and the customer´s experience will be the same throughout the organization, regardless of the location and the people involved. Errors are minimized, duplications are avoided and time is reduced being able to transfer to the clients the efficiencies obtained through the imporvement of processes.
Finaly, what impact does the RPA have on human resources?
The most immediate impact is the elimination of repetitive tasks, with which people can dedícate themselves to greater value tasks redounding not only in the contribution for the organization´s value but also in people´s own work satisfaction
However, implementing RPA in business precesses may carry other benefits that may not be so obvious and have a lot to do with coorporate culture. RPA allows moving towards agile ways of working towards a more Dynamic, people focused organization, with short decisión and implementation cycles and continuous learning that will allow the adoption of a strategy for continuous impprovement in the organization.
- Reproduction to the interview with Virginia Carretie, Northern Territorial Director of the Satec Group, Moneda Unica Magazine (181, March-April number) read it here.