News (Articles)


Alvatross by SATEC archives the TM Forum gold certification

Alvatross archives the TM Forum Gold certification Alvatross becomes the first TM Forum Gold certified OSS vendor in EMEA. SATEC’s platform meets telco’s need to provide an increasingly complex and dynamic portfolio of products and services, while integrating third-party products.  Alvatross by SATEC, the OSS product unit of the multinational technology company SATEC Group, has…


Our purpose

A purpose, what for? For companies, defining their purpose is their reason for being. The purpose allows to explain the importance of a brand and the keys to its differentiation, even going so far as to justify why a company is necessary in the market. Traditionally, companies focused on defining the mission (what the company…

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Satec appraised at CMMI Level 3

Since 2014, SATEC has held maturity level 3 in the CMMI-DEV model for its software development and maintenance processes, which implies definitive consolidation of the path to improving processes in such disciplines, which the company started out on eight years before, yet achieving maturity level 2 in CMMI already in 2009. During January 2021, SATEC…

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Preventive Telecare measures to combat Coronavirus

Preventive Telecare measures to combat Covid-19 A tool to find out about the current situation and assess the risk that allows possible outbreaks with early detection. The Spanish multinational SATEC has developed this platform which is already helping more than 1000 people within its organization. The available data will allow advanced analytics to be applied…