All about the talent and technology


Network Resources Inventory

The continuous development of telecommunications networks in recent years has made it extremely complex to manage both the elements of these networks and their underlying services. Network resource inventories offer telecommunications operators, also known as telcos, an opportunity to record and manage their complete set of “assets” (physical and logical) in a single system. This…

Serverless 2

Serverless: This is the way

Before a few years ago, a company’s architecture was limited to hardware resources such as servers, switches or storage cabinets. Today, however, there are big differences that have enabled companies and end-consumers to design their architecture according to their real needs. If we go back a couple of decades, the few existing pay-as-you-go models were…

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The future of Telcos: the metaverse

Metaverse The term “metaverse” comes from the Greek word “meta” (beyond) and the root “verse” from the word “universe”. Neal Stephenson was the first person to ever use this term in his novel Snow Crash, published in 1992, which recreates its own universe based on the real world. A rather unthinkable scenario thirty years ago.…

Gestor de contraseñas

Are password managers safe?

There is no simple answer to the question of our title. We have recently heard of different news related to different password managers which are listed below. But, before we start, it is necessary to contextualize and explain what a password manager is. According to Wikipedia, password managers are: “A password manager is a software…


SDx in enterprise environments

Towards digital transformation For a company that operates outside the telco sector, the corporate telecommunications network is not usually its business but simply a ‘utility’, necessary today, and that contributes to its viability. Through the digital transformation based on SDN, the aim pursued by any company is to improve the user´s experience of using the…


OSS of the future

A bit of History If we look back, hasn´t been so long ago since the operation and maintenance (O&M) of big networks, such as those of a communications service provider (CSP), was done in a monolithic way. Initially, network problems were detected when it was too late. The current operator guessed which systems were related…