Project Portus for Puertos del Estado – (State Ports)
A realtionship of trust for 30 years
For more tan 30 years, SATEC has accompanied its clients in their digitization processes. Puertos del Estado, one ot those clientes who trusted the company from the beginning of its creation, deserves a special mention.
During al this time, both entities have built a very special relationship and have collaborated continuosly in multiple areas to strengthen their capacities in information and communication technologies. SATEC has been an infrastructure provider, IT management services provider and operationss services, and has also developed, together with Puertos del Estado´s team, unique applications such as the PORTUS public use web platform, focused on the representation of ocean-meterological data.
The Portus Platform
The Physical Environment Area (Oceanography and Meteorology) of Puertos del Estado, is responsible, at national level, for the prediction of waves, tidal waves and sea currents and warni systems in ports. It has a network of meteorological stations and giant buoys (between 600 and 1,000 kg in weight) that measure the height of the waves, the speed of the wind above the surface, atmospheric pressure, currents, temperatures, salinity, etc. In addition, they keep an extensive and complex observational and predictive database for the purpose of disclosure to society about coastal phenomena and the state of the sea.
In this context, the need arises to display the data through a graphical, attractive and easy-to-use interfaz for its dissemination to as manu users as posible, which is materialized on PORTUS platform which is publicly accesible through
The main keys to this platform reside in the user experience with interactive and easy menus, the powerful search capacity that allows consulting the information organized by parameters, and georeferencing, which makes it posible to view information on satellite images and on cartographic maps. The user can dynamically navigate on the map or satellite view and accurately consult the data that is of interest to them.
PORTUS allows the display of this information organized according to different criteria:
- By categories: predictions, real time and historical data
- By locations
- Notices
From the PORTUS platform, it is posible to visualize the positions in which predictions of the selected parameters have been made and there are certain verification points with accesible data consulted from the buoys (levels), tide gauges, weather stations and other specific measurement systems available for this purpose.
In addition to this, a data summary can be consulted in tabular form, graphic or report format, depending on the type of information selected. Navigation is intuitive and Dynamic. The system allows, among other funcionalities, the superposition of the prediction maps, zooming to see results with different color scales, etc.), consulting the exact address or printing the displayed maps. Furthermore, the user can move along time and view the data for the day or days required.
Within the Predictions category, the results of the different predictive models for the following days are shown.
The PORTUS platform, specifically allows the consultation and visualization of the three day predictions of the swell in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the wind intensity (in units of m/s and on the Beaufort scale), and the level of the sea in coastal towns (ports, towns and beaches).
Moreover, PORTUS displays the five-day predictions, in the Mediterranean Sean and the Atlantic Ocean, of maritime currents (speed in m/s and direction), water temperature (in ºC), and salinity (in psu).
These models have been developed by Puertos del Estado (State Ports) and the Physical Enviroment Area, as well as by the entities with which they collaborate. Particularly, the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) for wave prediction and the European Copernicus IBI-MFC Service for circulation information on a regional scale (sea currents, salinity and water temperature).
Real time data
Within the Real Time category, the most recent data that has been observed and transmitted by the active measurements stations is displayed.
The PORTUS platform particularty allows consultation and visualization of the measurements ,on real time, of the waves measred by buoys (updated every hour), sea level (every minute), the long wave inside the ports (every 20 minutes), the intensity of the wind (every hour in buoys and every minute or every 10 minutes on land), the atmospheric preassure (every hour in buoys and every minute or every 10 minutes on land), air temperature (every hour in buoys and every 10 minutes on land, sea currents (every hour), and salinity calculated from conductivity and water temperature measurements (every hour).
The data comes from the observation networks managed by Puertos del Estado and from other Spanish and European institutions. All stations are geo-referencesand their position can be viewed ona an interactive mapl. If a station is not available for any reason at a specific time, the application will mark it graphically.
Historical facts
Within the category of historical data, you can accss to the data available in the Puertos del Estado databases that can be viewed on tables and graphics, statistical results, weather reports and tools to elaborate new analysis.
The PORTUS platform allows the consultation and visualization of data on waves, sea level and agitation within ports, wind in ports and open waters, sea currents, water temperature and salinity in open waters, and the air temperature and atmospheric preassure in ports and open waters.
The data comes from measurements made with systems such as buoys, weather stations, tide gauges, etc., and from the results of simulation carried out when applying the numerical models from reanalysis, as well as from operational prediction systems.
Historical information queries can be made at different points in the surroundings of Spanish, European and North African waters.
Statistical products are generated interactively, the result is always updated and takes into account all available data, including the most recent one.
Weather reports are diverse in nature, from anual reports to mid and extreme system studies. These reports are not interactive, Although they are updated annually, after an exhaustive review of the data series to ensure the consistency of the information.
Query by location
It is posible to Access the information by searching lor towns or areas, ports and beaches.
This service allows you to consult for each location a summary of the most accurate and forthcoming information available, both on real time data and predictions. The system has information for more tan 900 coastal locations, organized into three groups: ports, towns and beaches
The system allows Ports to configure alerts in specific situations, to inform users of relevant events. This may happen in case of measurement missing data or failure detected, shutdowns, or broadcast messages for the population.